Kabangka is bringing Centre Kapwa's Kapwa Rising Anti-Asian Racism Community Conference to the Greater Toronto Hamilton Area (GTHA) in May 2024!
Kapwa Rising is a community conference to Unlearn, Unite, and Uplift Against Racism.
This community conference aims to bring important discussions and actions about Filipino/a/x Anti-Asian Racism and the importance of cross-solidarity activism. This 3-day conference will unite Filipino/a/x community members, and organizations, and create intergenerational conversations and connections through a series of educational activities and community capacity building workshops focused on anti-racism teachings, and imparting practical tools for preserving mental health and well-being. Together, we can make a difference.
We aim to bring together Filipino/a/x across the GTHA in one space focused on uplifting the diverse voices of our community, including our queer and trans intersectionalities, community building and collective care while uplifting each other against anti-Filipino/a/x and anti-Asian racism.
Friday, May 3rd (Preconference)
Saturday, May 4th (Day 1)
Sunday, May 5th (Day 2)
Location: Toronto Metropolitan University
Kabangka: Kapwa Rising Anti-Asian Community Conference Outline
Friday, May 3rd - Preconference: Unpacking Anti-Asian Racism
The weekend will begin with a preconference introducing the Kapwa Rising community conference, showcasing a film and discussion over delicious Filipino food.
Saturday, May 4th - Conference Day 1: Learning & Unlearning
The day will be filled with learning, unlearning and understanding how anti-Asian racism manifests in others, in ourselves and in our systems.
This day will feature a keynote speaker, community panel and a debut talent showcase.
Sunday, May 5th - Conference Day 2: Moving Forward with Action & Collective Care
In conclusion of the Kapwa Rising weekend, we will delve into how we can activate our minds and bodies while building our “anti-racism” toolkit to move forward with action and collective care.
Share your story - Kuwentuhan with Kapwa: Humans of the Filipino Diaspora
Ahead of the Kabangka's Kapwa Rising Anti-Asian Racism Community Conference, we want you to contribute to the creation of Kuwentuhan with Kapwa highlighting our stories of anti-Asian racism to call attention to the importance of our experiences in the Filipino diaspora.
Inspired by the Filipinos of Montreal and Humans of New York, we are creating an anti-Asian racism awareness campaign called the Humans of the Filipino Diaspora. We aim to share the lived experiences of Filipinos in the diaspora as we face anti-Asian racism in our lives, our systems and in ourselves.
Racism manifests in various forms - from our everyday interactions such as discrimination, practices in an institution, to the history, culture and current reality of your experiences as a person of colour. Learn more about the various forms of racism.
This campaign aims to bring awareness to the real experiences of anti-Asian racism and encourage people to join the conversation at the upcoming Kapwa Rising Anti-Asian Racism Community Conference in Toronto from May 3-5, 2024.
Please fill out the form below to get involved - we're requesting for the following:
Name (can indicate if you would like to remain anonymous)
A few sentences of your experience(s)
Photo (portrait) of yourself or a place that has significant meaning to you and your experiences
Other information that you would like to share about you and/or your experience(s)
We truly appreciate you taking your time to get involved and sharing your stories as we challenge anti-Asian racism together.
If you have any questions, please email info@kabangka.org.
If you would like support and resources, please visit this Resources Package.
Our Supporters & Sponsors
Thank you to all of our supporters and sponsors for their contributions to our community conference. We wholeheartedly appreciate all of your contributions and support as we unlearn, unite and uplift against Anti-Asian racism.
Pinay Collection
Renjie Butalid
aDorryble Delight
Toronto Metropolitan University Asian Faculty & Staff Network
Toronto Public Library Workers Union, Local 4948
Cambio & Co.
Laro Therapy