Become a member.

Why should I become a member?

Becoming a member of Kabangka affords you with a say in how the organization, including Pinoys on Parliament and the Kabangka Mentorship Program will be run!

As a member you will be able to:

General members are entitled to one (1) vote at such meetings.

What are the membership requirements?

  • Be between the ages of 16 – 30

  • Declare primary residence in Canada

  • Identify as Filipino/a/x

  • Remain in good financial standing with the corporation

How do I apply?

  • Fill out the Kabangka Membership form.

  • Applications must be accompanied with the $5.00 membership fee. The $5.00 can be paid through sending an e-transfer to or through PayPal!

The membership fee will go towards supporting Kabangka’s initiatives, such as the annual Pinoys on Parliament conference and the Kabangka Mentorship program.